Graduate Directory

- Pronouns she/her
- Title
- Research Assistant
- Division Physical & Biological Sciences Division
- Department
- Earth & Planetary Sciences Department
- Office Location
- Earth & Marine Sciences, C548
- Mail Stop Earth and Planetary Sciences
Summary of Expertise
Scanning Electron Microscope (EDS, BSE, EBSD)
Secondary Ion Mass Spectroscopy Data Processing
Chondrite Classification
Optical Microscopy (300+ hours)
Machine Learning (PCA, PLSR, Naive Bayes, Artificial Neural Networks, Clustering, Evolutionary Models)
Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy
Research Interests
Chondrite Microstructure, Petrology, and Geochemistry
Biography, Education and Training
B.S. Geological Sciences, New Mexico State University, 2017
M.S. Geology, Portland State University, 2019
Ph.D. Earth and Planetary Sciences, University of California at Santa Cruz, 2024
Honors, Awards and Grants
John F. Kalesky Memorial Scholarship, New Mexico State University 2016
Chemistry Outstanding Student Award, New Mexico State University 2016
Kristovich Scholarship, Portland State University 2018
Eugene Cota-Robles Fellowship, University of California at Santa Cruz 2019
Selected Publications
Goudy, S.P., Ruzicka, A.M., 2019, Relations between accretional deformation and temperature in cluster chondrite chondrules, 82nd Annual meeting of the Meteoritical Society, Abstract #6105. LPI Contrib. No. 2157
Goudy S.P., Ruzicka, A., 2019, Cluster chondrite accretion temperatures determined with electron backscatter diffraction, Goldschmidt Abstracts
Goudy, S.P., 2019, Assessment of Cluster Chondrite Accretion Temperature Using Electron Backscatter Diffraction and Implications for Chondrule Formation Models, Master’s Thesis
Ruzicka, A.M., Goudy, S., Hugo, R.C., 2020, Role of hot accretion and deformation in producing cluster and type 3 ordinary chondrites, 51st Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Abstract #1308
Goudy, S.P., Telus, M., Chapman, B., 2023, Evidence for multiple early impacts on the H chondrite parent body from electron backscatter diffraction analysis, Meteoritics and Planetary Science, v. 58, p. 501-515
Goudy, S.P., 2024, Unveiling the histories of H and CM chondrites through geochemical and microstructural approached, Doctoral Dissertation
Goudy, S.P., Telus, M., Nagashima, K., Huss, G.R., In Preparation, Carbon and oxygen isotopes in calcite from CM chondrites Aguas Zarcas and MIL 13005
Goudy, S.P., Telus, M., In Preparation, Shock metamorphism in the CM chondrites revealed through combined chondrule and calcite analysis
Teaching Interests
Planetary Science, Petrology, Mineralogy, Structural Geology