Department Highlights

Student Award: Dr. Maggie Thompson 
Dr. Maggie Thompson, former PhD student of Professor Myriam Telus, is awarded the 2024 Robert J. Trumpler Award by the Astronomical Society of the Pacific


ChemTalk Episode: Dr. Adina Paytan on Earth Materials and Climate Science

EPS Professor Adina Paytan shares her career journey and passion for climate science in this podcast episode by Let's Talk Chemistry. Learn about her journey as an ocean chemist and her work in earth materials and biogeochemical processes.



Department Events

Whole Earth Seminar Series - Wednesdays @12pm, EMS B210

November 20 Speaker: Christopher Kinsley, Berkeley Geochronology Center

Title: Application of IBIS [Integrated Bayesian approach for unique Initial thorium corrections and age-depth models in U-Th dating of Speleothems] to Hato Cave, Curaçao stalagmites

IGPP Seminar Series - Fridays @12pm, EMS B210

November 15 Speaker: Sara Cebry, USGS

Title: The mechanics of (laboratory) earthquakes and aseismic slip due to fluid injection