James R. Hein Blue Water Fund

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Purpose: The James R. Hein Blue Water Fund supports Earth and Planetary Sciences students who are focused on blue water (deep ocean) research, inclyding studies of active processes and ancient ocean deposits.
Status and Goals: The James R. Hein Blue Water Fund is currently endowed with ~$50k, and we seek to raise the endowment to $200k.
History: The James R. Hein Blue Water Fund was created in 2023 by UCSC alum, James R. Hein. Jim was one of the first doctoral students in the department, and he earned his Ph.D. in Earth Sciences in 1973. He became internationally renowned for his work in interdisciplinary research in geology, oceanography, geochemistry, and mineral deposits. Now retired, Hein is acutely aware of the need for the next generation of scientists to continue deep-ocean exploration, as current research is influencing green energy, land resilience, and climate change. Jim established this fund to ensure that UC Santa Cruz serves as a pipeline for brilliant researchers to carry on this important work. 
james hein
James Hein testifying for the ISA Council of Nations.
james hein
James Hein on a boat on Mariana Island.