Research Facilities
Shallow Earth Processes
Atmospheric Sciences
Fluvial Geomorphology, Active Tectonics
Geochemical & Rock Analysis
Elemental Analysis
Keck Isotope Laboratory
Microscopy and Imaging
Rock Preparation
Stable Isotope Laboratory
X-ray Diffraction
Mineral Physics
SCZ Seismographic Station

Keck Isotope Laboratory's wet chemistry labs are housed in a Class 1000 environment for sample preparation
The Department of Earth & Planetary Sciences offers state-of-the-art laboratory and computational facilities for research in stable and radiogenic mass spectrometry, elemental analysis, field and computational seismology, process geomorphology, hydrogeology, climate modeling, geographical information systems, shallow crustal imaging, GPS geodesy, mineral physics, and paleomagnetics.
In addition to the resources available on campus, students, through faculty research activities, also have access to tools at other research institutions, including: