2009 News Archives
Thorne Lay elected a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science
December 16, 2009
Lay was honored "for sustained research using earthquakes to probe the deep structure of the Earth and for service to the global seismology community."
Emily Brodsky explores earthquakes as forecasters of volcanic eruptions
December 15, 2009
Brodsky presented recent findings on pre-eruption earthquakes on Wednesday, December 16, at the fall meeting of the American Geophysical Union in San Francisco.
Study by Francis Nimmo suggests that conditions necessary for life may exist on the icy satellites of Saturn and Jupiter
December 14, 2009
Nimmo discussed the impact of ice dynamics on the habitability of the moons of Saturn and Jupiter on Tuesday, December 15, at the annual meeting of the American Geophysical Union in San Francisco.
Article on research by Slawek Tulaczyk wins AAAS Kavli Science Journalism Award
November 10, 2009
An article in Science News for Kids by freelance writer Douglas Fox on research by Slawek Tulaczyk won the prestigious 2009 International Children's Science News award given by the AAAS and the Kavli Foundation.
Slawek Tulaczyk and Andy Fisher awarded a large grant to study hidden lakes beneath West Antarctic ice sheet
October 21, 2009
UC Santa Cruz researchers are among the leaders of a major Antarctic research project in which scientists will drill through a half-mile of ice to penetrate subglacial Lake Whillans and study hidden processes that govern the dynamics of the West Antarctic ice sheet.
IMS director Gary Griggs and alumna Julie Packard named 2009 California Coastal Heroes
August 24, 2009
<i>Sunset</i> magazine and the California Coastal Commission have named Gary Griggs and Julie Packard among their 2009 California Coastal Heroes.
Paper by Adina Paytan, Russ Flegal and colleagues explores the role of groundwater as a source of mercury to the coastal zone
June 8, 2009
For the first time, scientists have detected a highly toxic form of mercury in groundwater flows at two coastal sites in California.
UC Santa Cruz undergraduate Dominic Papia has been selected for a prestigious summer internship at one of Japan's premier research centers
May 29, 2009
The first American chosen for this international internship program, Papia will be one of ten interns from various countries working closely with ISEI faculty members this summer on active research projects in areas such as geochemistry and mineral physics
Six EPS graduate students receive highly competitive fellowships from the National Science Foundation, NASA, the Ford Foundation, and the ARCS Foundation
April 1, 2009
EPS graduate students were spectacularly successful this spring in winning highly competitive fellowships to support their Ph.D. research.
Susan Schwartz discusses slow slip earthquakes at the AAAS meeting
February 17, 2009
Susan Schwartz, a professor of earth and planetary sciences at the University of California, Santa Cruz, said researchers have uncovered a third type of slip that occurs along plate boundaries.
Learn about Antarctic field expeditions by Slawek Tulaczyk and Jake Walter at "Ice Stories", a site hosted by the Exploratorium
January 1, 2009
Glaciologist and professor Slawek Tulaczyk and graduate student Jake Walter from the University of California, Santa Cruz, and undergraduate student Saffia Hossainzadeh from the University of Chicago work in the fast-evolving world of ice-sheet dynamics.
Slawek Tulaczyk receives distinguished alumni award from Northern Illinois University
January 1, 2009
Slawek Tulaczyk is one of 50 individuals chosen to receive the inaugural Golden Alumni Award from the Northern Illinois College of Liberal Arts & Sciences. Out of an alumni body >70,000, the College has chosen 50 individuals who have distinguished themselves either in professional fields or through involvement in civic, cultural or charitable service. Slawek received his M.S. in Geology from NIU in 1993.
EPS Senior Ernesto Matal Sol receives a scholarship from the American Geological Institute
January 1, 2009
Undergraduate Ernesto Matal Sol has received a competitive scholarship from the American Geological Institute as part of their Minority Participation Program. Ernesto will receive a small financial scholarship and mentoring in professional development by Eli Silver, who is advising his senior thesis project.